Funny games to pass time
Funny games to pass time

funny games to pass time funny games to pass time

Here are six activities that anyone can lead, that require little or no preparation, and that take less than 10 minutes to run (but are guaranteed to generate a few big laughs). It doesn’t matter if you are a manager, a new employee, or seasoned contributor. In doing so, you will not only be relieving your stress, but boosting your engagement, creativity, collaboration, and overall productivity. That means some days you will want to use this time to check in on people’s well-being, and on others you will want to use it to laugh, have fun, and play together. I recommend the rule of 1/6: For every hour of meeting time, 1/6, or 10 minutes, should be devoted to relationship-building. In my latest book, focused on how to build a great remote team culture, I explore a few ways teams can help take care of each other by carving out more time for joy in their days. While laughter is not a cure-all, it is an action that decreases depression and anxiety, and one that is also a scarce commodity right now. Research conducted in the fall of 2020 by workplace expert Jennifer Moss found that 85% of people have expressed a decline in well-being since the start of the pandemic. In fact, sometimes the very thing we need to brighten the repetitive days of back-to-back meetings and email overload is … laughter. See more from Ascend here.Īfter a brutal year of working remotely - and often alone - many of us have forgotten the importance of allowing ourselves moments of joy.

Funny games to pass time